vendredi 8 mai 2020

The current status of occupational health and safety in Algeria:

The current status of occupational health and safety in Algeria:

Presumed diseases of occupational origin are classified into three (03) groups:

ü  GROUP 1: on the morbid manifestations of acute or chronic intoxications including 56 tables of MP. The lists of works are indicative.
ü  GROUP 2: on microbial infections with 16 MP tables. The lists of works are limiting.
ü  GROUP 3: on diseases resulting from the atmosphere and work attitude with 13 MP tables. The lists of the works are limiting.

Top occupational health and safety diseases in Algeria:

1-      Noise;
2-      Silicosis;
3-      Hepatitis;
4-      Tuberculosis;
5-      Siderosis;
6-      Personal health infection;
7-      Respiratory allergy;
8-      Asbestosis;
9-      Cements;
10-  Lead;
11-  Chromium;
12-  Eczema;
13-  Nickel;
14-  Mercury.

Occupational medicine has been well framed in this code. "The aim of occupational medicine is to reduce occupational morbidity and mortality by identifying their causes and preventing pathological diseases caused by work. It also proposes to seek the best physical, sensory and psychological adaptations of the man to his trade.
This first public health code defined for the first time the role and missions of the health sector in protecting the worker's health by protecting him from any physical or moral deterioration, by monitoring his adaptation to the work and preventing the occurrence accidents at work and occupational diseases, the spread of hygiene rules, and the principles and methods of preventive medicine, without forgetting the obligation of a medical examination for any employee before recruitment at the latest before the expiry of the probationary period following his recruitment. Treatment that was also compulsory for all other employees at least once a year, and every 6 months for subjects under 18 and more frequently for those exposed to hazardous work, pregnant women, mothers of a child under two, the disabled and the disabled.
In each health sector, the doctors responsible for occupational health also acted as advisers to the health and safety committee, particularly with regard to the supervision of the general hygiene of the enterprise, particularly point of view cleanliness, heating, lighting, cloakrooms, sinks, canteen, drinking water; the hygiene of the workshops and the protection of the workers against dangerous dusts and vapors and against accidents. The doctor will take samples and analyzes of harmful products that he considers necessary; monitoring the adaptation of employees to workstations and finally the improvement of working conditions, especially new constructions and developments, the adaptation of working techniques to human physiology, the elimination of dangerous products, the study of work rhythms.
Obligations in this sense were also incumbent on employers and entrepreneurs, including the obligation to consult the occupational health physician for the development of any new production technique and to inform him of the composition of the products used in his work. establishment. They were also obliged to take into consideration the opinions presented to them by the occupational doctor, in particular as regards post changes, the application of the law on reserved posts and improvements in the hygienic conditions of the employer. job.
The main axis is the protection of workers' health by occupational health, considered as an integral part of the national health policy and aimed at:
Ø  to promote and maintain the highest degree of physical and mental well-being of workers in all occupations and to raise the level of work and creative abilities;
Ø  to prevent and protect workers from risks which may lead to accidents or occupational diseases and any damage to their health;
Ø  to identify and monitor, with a view to reducing or eliminating all factors which, in the workplace, may affect the health of workers;
Ø  to place and maintain the workers in a job suitable to their physiological and psychological aptitudes and, as a rule, to adapt the work to the man and each man has his task;
Ø  reduce the number of invalidity cases and prolong the working life of the workers;
Ø  to assess the level of health of workers in the workplace;
Ø  to organize emergency care for workers, the management of outpatient treatment and the treatment of occupational and occupational diseases;
Ø  to contribute to safeguarding the environment in relation to man and nature.

The evolution of occupational safety and health
In conclusion, the evolution of occupational safety and health has gone through four (04) important stages, namely:
1-      From 1962 to 1982, divided into 2 phases, namely:
a- The period from 1962 to 1970:
ü  Emergence of a young country;
ü  Heavy legacy;
ü  A country in search of authentic legislation;
ü  Massive departure of doctors and flagrant lack of health facilities;
ü  Attempts to reduce disparities;
ü  Management limited to aspects related to social protection and the fight against endemic situations.

b- The period from 1971 to 1982:
ü  A gradual reorganization of health in general and health and safety at work in particular;
ü  The emergence of authentic Algerian legislation;
ü  Special attention to major risks;
ü  Special interest in working conditions and the worker.
ü  Third stage: From 1983 to 2003, characterized by two important phases namely:
2-      From 1983 to 1992:
ü  The appearance of several laws (social security laws, law on the protection and promotion of health, law on hygiene, safety and occupational health, law on labor relations, ...);
ü  Beginning of interest in questions related to the protection of facilities and infrastructures;
ü  Beginning of reflection on the questions related to the environment and the risks of disasters (radiations, substances, ...);
3-      From 1993 to 2003:
ü  Increased coverage of issues related to hazardous substances, explosives and especially the risks related to transport;
ü  Consolidation of the devices related to the protection of the public patrimony and the safety of the people;
ü  Strengthening the protection of the workplace both inside and outside.
4-      From 2004 to date:
ü  Increasing the devices related to standardization and conformity assessment;
ü  Mastery of issues related to the environment and sustainable development;
ü  The treatment of issues relating to safety and health at work in their entirety (internal and external environment).
ü  Reinforcement of the system relating to waste in general and hazardous special waste.
ü  The involvement of all sectors.
ü  Individual and collective ownership of the issue of safety and health at work.


1- ( access 05 may 2019)

2- Official web site of ministry of health ( access 05 may 2019)

3- ( access 05 may 2019)

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