dimanche 5 avril 2020

Health promotion and education: examples

      Describe the sources of funds supporting health promotion programs, and the strategies suitable for competitive application for these funds, as appropriate in your own country.

The sources of funds supporting health promotion programs:
In Algeria, the sources of the funds for health system are essentially from the government, social security organization (CNAS and CANOS) and users or household. The world health organization have a percentage on these funds to help the health system.
Health promotion funds are part from the global funds for health system, there is no specific sources about the funds for health promotion because is the same sources for the health system.
A financing plan containing the annual budget according to the strategic axes and a detailed budget according to the objectives of the strategic axes and by year, is necessary to consider the implementation of the plan. It will be the basis for the operation of the plan and will to take into account existing resources and those that can be s for each strategy.

 Funding of health system:

The strategies suitable for competitive application for these funds:
04 important strategies, every strategy have objectives:
1-      Promotion of healthy eating:
This strategic focus on building the capacity and skills of professionals and developing tools and structures that support their actions.
The tools aim, among other things, to improve communication with the population, and more specifically young people in educational establishments. This strategy is divided into 5 main objectives and each objective is divided into actions and measures.
ü  Objective 1: promote proper nutrition for the State of pregnancy, as well as exclusive breastfeeding for up to 6 months:
- Support and generalize the hospitals initiative Baby friends;
- Promote rules diversification proper nutrition of infants;
- Promote appropriate diet for pregnancy in the context of pre-conception and pregnancy macro-and micronutrients
ü  Objective 2: promote healthy eating in children, young people and adolescents in educational, pre-school and preschool establishments:
- Promote a healthy eating (sufficient, varied and balanced) at the child in circles Educational;
- Develop a program communication on the relationship "food and health "in Educational;
- Strengthen capacity of professionals and their shares with the Children;
- Strengthening the texts regulatory governing the marketing of food for children (labelling, advertising).
ü  Objective 3: promote healthy eating within the population General;
- Strengthen the capacity of health professionals in charge of local health care;
- Implement a program of communication on a power supply healthy towards the general public;
- Building technical capacity (capacity building) of other stakeholders (associations, sectors other than health).
ü  Objective 4: reduce daily consumption: salt, sugar, fat among the general population;
- Strengthen the regulation and legislation;
- Educating the public general on harm a rich diet in salt, sugar and fat.
ü  Objective 5: preventing obesity in the general population:
- Implement a programmed information and communication on overweight and obesity;
- Develop offers of prevention and overweight care and obesity.

2-      Promote activity physics, the practice of sport, and mobility active
Sedentary life is considered to be the fourth risk factor for mortality in the Global. It is marked, in Algeria, by a major impact on the prevalence of and the general health of the population.
The priority axes of this objective consist of the creation, development and/or rehabilitation of sports infrastructures so that the population can engage in activities and physical exercises.
It is also a question of upgrading physical and sporting education, coupled with a nutrition, with children and adolescents, to combat overweight and obesity.
ü  objective 1-promote the practice of physical and sporting activity:
- Develop of promote activity physical and practical of sport to fight against overweight and the obesity of Prevention and overweight care and obesity;
- Develop spaces in the schools, universities, workplaces and the groupings residential for the practice of education physical and sporting;
- Upgrading the material "Physical education and Sports» in circles educational.

ü  objective 2-promoting active mobility:
- Develop means to active displacement for all;
- Promote benefits of physical activities extra-curricular and active mobility;
- Promote practice of physical exercise and active mobility on the premises of work.

3-      Tabaco control:
The world health organization MPOWER strategy is based on the six most effective policies to the tobacco epidemic: monitoring (monitoring tobacco consumption and prevention policies); Protecting the population from tobacco smoke; Offering (offer help to those who want to quit); Warning (warn against the harms of tobacco); Enforcing (prohibit advertising in favour of tobacco, promotion and sponsorship); Raising (increasing taxes on tobacco).
Passive smoking (unintentional inhalation by non-smoker of smoke released by one or more smokers in the environment) is also harmful to health. It increases the the risk of cardiovascular disease in adults but also has an impact on the the health of children, infants and fetuses. It is therefore necessary to inform the all affected audiences, smokers and non-smokers, of the risks they incur when exposed to tobacco smoke.
ü  Objective 1-strengthen anti-smoking legislation and regulations in accordance with the provisions of the CCSA:
 - Complete the texts relating to the implementation application of articles of the CCSA to strengthen the implementation of the texts existing regulatory
ü  Objective 2-create a favorable environment to reduce smoking:
- Design and implement implementation of a communication program;
- Create an environment in favor of tobacco control among young people in educational and outside;
- Apply the law on prohibition of smoking in public places;
- Make it less accessible tobacco products.

ü  Objective 3-to offer cessation aid:
- Communicating on weaning aid smoking cessation;
- Integrating aid into smoking cessation in the care offer health care.
ü  Objective 4-set up a comprehensive and permanent monitoring system of smoking:
- Strengthen the system of monitoring of the fight tobacco;
- Develop research on the fight against smoking.

4-      Coordination framework:
Coordinated plans and policies at the national level are essential for action multisectoral approach. To this end, it is necessary to establish an effective governance mechanism through the establishment of a Committee national multi-sectoral project, whose role will be consultation, coordination of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of this national strategic plan.
ü  Objective 1- Institutionalizing a multi-sectoral coordination framework for ensure the implementation of the actions:
- Create a device for coordination and multi-sectoral monitoring national level and local;
- Develop a monitoring program of the operational plan.

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Short-terms outcomes

Intermediate outcomes

Long-terms outcomes

Multimedia focus on relationship between eating habit and hypertension 
Increase the knowledge of the population about hypertension 

Decrease risk factors of hypertension amount coming generation

Decrease Smoking among general population

Increase the wariness of the population about hypertension and its effect

Improve life quality amount general population

Reduced initiation of Tabaco using

Decrease hypertension events

Decrease cardiovascular morbidity and mortality 

Decrease hypertension complications

Put the concept of nutrition and health in the school programs
Change eating habit, behavior and skills
Policy and regularity action to enforce restriction of sale Tabaco
Decrease access and smoking Tabaco in communities
Enforce public health stuff and the knowledge about hypertension

Increase workers information delivering to the community
Community partnership to improve community physical activities
Encouraging population for more physical’s activities



Stuff formation in communication

provide health education using mass media

Sensitives days among high risk population

Short-terms outcomes evaluation and report

Follow-up and observation records 

Final evaluation and report

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1- https://extranet.who.int/ncdccs/Data/DZA_B3_plan%20strat%C3%A9gique_MNT2015-2019.pdf   
2- Health promotion and education course materials  

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